As we approach the 5 year anniversary of the tragic loss of Rickilee Mercer (A day that ripped our hearts out, but one that sparked RRR - Rickilee Response and Rescue) it seems unreal how far we have come! 2021 brought tremendous growth and too many responses to mention. We ended the year with close to 70 emergency responses in December ALONE….….5 years ago there was ZERO, no ambulance, no transport, no phone number to call, no Air Evac . Rickilee’s death made Ambergris Caye a better, safer place to live and visit. A story that makes us beam with pride as we continue to grow and continue to offer a FREE service with an AMAZING team of Volunteers! Triumph From Tragedy is going strong!
It’s hard to believe we have only been responding to emergencies for 3 and half years! What did we do before? We started as a water emergency response but quickly filled the need for all emergencies.
Looking over the Triple R Report for October....I was shocked to see our team responded to 41 emergencies! So I decided to look back a few months. Since May 1, RRR has responded to 201 emergencies on land. Let me say that again 201!!!!! (This doesn’t even include water emergencies)
We obviously don’t publish all of our responses, but maybe we have been remiss in not publicizing more!
Our island heavily relies on the volunteers of RRR. Yes every single person on our team is a volunteer!! Help us continue to respond. We rely 100% on donations. We are super blessed to have a few monthly donors, some on reoccurring pay pal donations and one amazing person who has committed to donating $500 worth of supplies monthly.
Triple R Response Locates and Rescues girl at sea
On Thursday, June 6th, The Rickilee Response and Rescue Team (Triple R) along with local authorities managed to find and rescue a young girl that had gone missing at Secret Beach north of San Pedro Town. The young female tourist had gone kayaking with her father without a life jacket, and after losing her, the dad returned to Secret Beach looking for help. Pirates Secret Beach Bar and Blue Bayou personnel made calls to Triple R for assistance.
Around 7:15PM Triple R team received the call and the team began coordinating the search. Grid leaders were alerted to prepare for a search and standby. The Triple R Response team arrived at the scene by boat, along with Hol Chan Marine Reserve Rangers and immediately had the grid leaders get to Secret Beach. The Belize Coast Guard and San Pedro Police Department were also called to assist, and they coordinated canvassing the area with Hol Chan’s GPS.
The search saw approximately ten boats involved in a well-coordinated search. Around 8:15PM responders heard yelling from a dock, where the young female tourist was found safe and sound. The Triple R Response members state that with each response, they learn what they did right, where they can improve, how to utilize the equipment they have and what equipment they still need. The Triple R team continues to train and strives every day to be the best that they can be. “I personally could not be more excited and proud that the Triple R team, RRR EVAC, Hol Chan Rangers, Coast Guard, and San Pedro Police Department came together to execute this response. We are certainly bringing triumph from the tragedy for Rickilee,” said Traci Curtin from Triple R Response.
Triple R is a non-profit, quick response team that assists both island residents and visitors alike in emergencies. The group was formed in memory of American National Rickilee Mercer, who perished on the leeward coast of Ambergris Caye in March 2017. She went missing after heading out for a jet-ski adventure. She was found dead on March 1, 2017. Since the creation of Triple R, the emergency response team has become the main point of contact for road and water accidents. Triple R utilizes 15 plus volunteers and staff to complete this beach to bedside transfer with thanks to the Belizean team, Vanesa Parham, Billy Leslie, and Chris Alpuche. The organization is always looking for volunteers, donations, and help in growing within the community. To keep up with the good work Triple R is doing on Ambergris Caye, you can follow them on Facebook and Instagram, or visit their website at For any emergencies, Triple R can be reached any time by calling 627-1117. Island residents and tourists are asked to please wear a life jacket if they do not know how to swim, as this could help prevent a tragedy.
Golf Cart Accidents
One of the most charming characteristics of our island is the use of golf carts for daily transportation. However, this is sadly the most tragic of accidents that occur. Triple responds frequently to golf cart accidents with everything from a scrapes and bruises to severe head injuries to fatalities. Triple R’s transport van has become a common site headed up the road north to secret beach for an accident response. Over the course of the 4 years since RRR was founded we have responded to over 100 golf cart accident.
In 2018 a young man was thrown from a cart and received a severe head trauma. He was quickly assessed and determined he need to be transferred back to the U.S. as quickly as possible. RRR along with RRR Evac arranged a flight to Belize City, at that time RRR was informed he would not survive the flight with out surgery to release the pressure from his brain. After multiple calls from the RRR teams in the U.S. he was transferred to a private hospital in Belize City where he received excellent medical care from a skilled surgeon. Once surgery was complete he was flown by RRR Evac to Miami. We are happy to say this young man has recovered after months of rehabilitation and is enrolled in college! A true triumph from tragedy story. There is no doubt that prior to RRR this young man would not have survived.
This is just one of many happy endings to our RRR story.
Local Fishermen Rescued at Sea
August 18th RRR received a report of a sinking boat belonging to LOCAL fisherman. RRR responded along with Nemo, Officer Gladden and Mr. Lemus from Xcite Belize. We are happy to say there are NO injuries or fatalities!!!
RRR was able to utilize and share equipment brought in for night searches; i.e. portable spot lights and binoculars. Thank you to all those who have and continue to donate to Rickilee Response & Rescue! We use our equipment much more than I take the time to report!
Another example of bringing Triumph from Tragedy Phillip Leslie Vanessa Parham Steve Bowen Samuel Lin @michael cain Emmerson Michael Selvin Sealey @Excite Belize Sailing & Adventures You are so appreciated! It takes community support to be successful!
RRR Response Article in The San Pedro Sun
Triple R Water Emergency Response Team and BCG assist three islanders involved in boat accident
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
A boat collision on the lagoon side of Ambergris Caye on Saturday, January 26th has left 57-year-old island resident John Austin with a severely injured arm and two others with minor injuries. The accident reportedly took place around 6:55PM near the Belize Coast Guard (BCG) base south of San Pedro Town, when two vessels accidentally collided. The BCG quickly responded to the accident. Also providing assistance was the Rickilee Response and Water Rescue (Triple R) along with their Evacuation team, who took the three victims to the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II.
Philip ‘Billy’ Leslie from Triple R indicated that it was already dark when the accident took place. He shared with The San Pedro Sun that when the two boats collided, Austin was thrown overboard landing near the propeller of his own boat. He suffered lacerations to his right arm, a broken bone and crushed fingers. As for the two other men manning the second boat, they received minor injuries which were treated at the Polyclinic.
Thanks to the BCG’s quick response and movement of the injured persons to the Sunset Boardwalk boat terminal, Leslie was able to transport them to the Polyclinic’s emergency room for emergency diagnosis. Due to the severity of Austin’s injuries, the team was informed that he would need further medical attention off the island. Arrangements were made to fly him to Belize City via Wings of Hope, where he was transported by the Belize Emergency Response Team to Belize Healthcare Partners to undergo a four-hour surgery. According to Leslie, the operation was a success, and Austin’s arm was saved. He is now recovering.
Leslie leads the Tripe R team on the island and is proud to be able to help in cases of water emergencies. “Our main role is to assist emergencies and to tend to victims in the least amount of time possible,” said Leslie. “We are very proud of our work and are happy to have the opportunity to help seafarers in troubled times.” So far, there is no indication if the police are investigating the accident. The officer in Charge of the Coastal Executive Unit Superintendent Reymundo Reyes was contacted regarding the incident, but there was no comment.
Triple R, along with their evacuation team, is a charitable organization based in Houston, Texas USA. Traci and Jim Curtin formed the organization in memory of Rickilee Mercer, an American National who was found dead on the leeward of Ambergris Caye on March 1, 2017, after she had gone jet skiing north of the island.
Almost two years following Mercer’s tragic death, the group has accomplished much under a knowledgeable, organized team, and continues to upgrade its equipment and response tactics. They have become the point of contact for water emergencies around Ambergris Caye, and can be reached out on their 24-hour number, 627-1117.
Triple R to the Rescue Article by The San Pedro Sun
RRR Water Emergency Response Team saves two sailors adrift at sea
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Ambergris Caye’s Water Emergency Response Team successfully saved two sailing visitors, who were near the barrier reef drifting away in the water and without life jackets on the evening of Monday, August 13th. The team, which operates with assistance from the non-profit organization Rickilee Response and Rescue (RRR) based in Houston, Texas USA, were alerted around 7PM about the emergency out at sea. The swift response saved the sailors’ lives, who ended up in the water after their dingy started to sink.
The RRR Water Emergency Response Team was notified by the Southern Ambergris Caye Neighbourhood Watch (SACNW) after they received a distress call. The report from the SACNW stated that there was a boat on the reef and that two persons were adrift in a dingy. The RRR team was immediately dispatched to the area, along with boats from Tuff E Nuff Tour Shop and Scuba School dive shop. When they arrived at the area south of the island, they found two male persons floating in the water without lifejackets. They quickly assisted the men by taking them to safety. The men of French origin did not show any signs of injuries, and shortly after being released, returned to their vessel that was nearby.
Traci Curtin of the RRR team in Houston congratulated the rescue team on the island for responding and performing an effective search in the dark and saving two lives. “A huge thank you to SACNW for trusting RRR, it could have been worse if there was no water rescue team on the island,” said Curtin. She says that the water rescue team on the island has been obtaining more equipment and resources to become more efficient.
According to Curtin, the team in Houston has been holding fundraisers to provide for the team on the island. Recently RRR on Ambergris Caye received 11 marine radios, 11 duffel bags, 11 flashlights, 11 spotlights, binoculars and throw ropes as well. These resources are expected to make the team reliable, effective and extremely efficient.
The initiative of the RRR Water Emergency Response Team was formed in memory of Rickilee Mercer, an American National, who lost her life on the leeward coast of Ambergris Caye on March 1, 2017. Mercer had gone jet skiing around the area of Secret Beach north of San Pedro Town and drowned, after disappearing a day earlier. A few weeks after Mercer’s death, the RRR Response program was initiated by family friends Traci and Jim Curtin.
Since the organization’s start in March 2017, it has seen much success, including securing a 24-hour contact number for emergencies. For emergencies, RRR can be contacted at 627-1117 on Ambergris Caye. The organization is strictly volunteered based and is always open for volunteers and donations. To find out more or to donate, visit or email
The Power of Community by The San Pedro Scoop March 1, 2021
The Power of Community: 4 Years After the Tragic Death of Rickilee Mercer at Secret Beach, Another Rescue
Posted on March 1st, 2021
Category: Around AC
Sunday, Feb 28th, I headed out to Secret Beach to attend a memorial service but also a celebration.
Four years ago, 27-year old Texas native Rickilee Mercer was on vacation on Ambergris Caye – she headed out with a friend for some sun and fun at Secret Beach – and later that day, went out with someone else on a jet ski and was then reported missing.
The water at Secret Beach, on the leeward island, is relatively shallow – on average about 3-5 feet in depth – and crystal clear. But that area, the vast stretch between Ambergris Caye and the mainland, is HUGE…miles and miles of open water, mangrove cayes and not alot of boat traffic.
Rickilee tragically was not found when the sun went down on the day she went missing and then not located until the next afternoon – she had passed away.
Instead of leaving Belize and never coming back (no one would have blamed them!)- her family friends did something AMAZING. More than amazing. They turned this incredibly sad tragedy into something miraculous.
Rickilee Rescue and Response was formed and four years later…almost to the day…the on-island team banded together to save a man missing in these very same waters. Triple RRR Response is an amazing testament to the power of the San Pedro community – and the strength of Rickilee’s friends to turn an unspeakable tragedy into something that saves lives on Ambergris Caye.
Here’s my January 2021 article on the Who What Where When and Why of Rickilee Response on Ambergris Caye. Including: What they do on the island. Who they serve. How they are funded. How you can help.
Please take a moment, if you haven’t already, to get this number in your phone.
No seriously. You want this number!
To Secret Beach! It was a warm overcast and WINDY day. It had been a windy weekend – winds 20-25mph with gusts up to 45 mph on Sunday afternoon.
There were lots of visitors and local families enjoying the water.
There was a group gathered by the Secret Beach sign.
Supporters and team members met and swapped stories. Billy Leslie and Vanessa Parham – two of the leaders of the response team – got up to thank everyone and to say a few words.
Gil and Steve and Eddie and Sylvan and Elito and Officer Noble…it’s a community.
Lots of people spoke, many cried.
These two jet skis are brand new and this was supposed to be their first official trip on Belizean waters.
The Jet Skis are named “Discernment” and “Wisdom”.
And were only JUST donated – BOTH OF THEM – by two island residents!
Discernment and Wisdom were actually used the afternoon before, on Saturday, in the rescue response for the man who went missing while out paddling north of Secret Beach. He was found alive and well – miles from his original position. Locating him involved three boats (with local tour guides, area experts, and the San Pedro Police Force) and the 2 new jet skis to search some of the shallower inner lagoons. The Belize Coast Guard was on stand-by. Ultimately, thanks to the amazing FAST response of Tropic Air – and RRR coordinating a spotter on the plane who knows the area well – he was located. RRR went to pick him up – take his vitals, hydrate him and get him back to Ambergris Caye. Safe and sound. THANK GOODNESS.
Almost exactly 4 years to the day that Rickilee went missing. There were lots of tears from her family friends…for her loss but also for the amazing community of San Pedro that has come together to turn this tragedy into something wonderful.
The island’s first coordinated land and air rescue response. All funded by donations.
Friends brought roses and champagne (Rickilee’s favorites) out on the jet skis to scatter in the water in her memory.
If you can help, please consider it. No one wants to consider what can go wrong on vacation or just in life. (Trust me on that one, I am the queen of denial!) But just to know that this team – fully versed in safety and first aid, fully kitted out with all necessary equipment from jet skis to heavy-duty searchlights to portable defibrillators (AEDs) is EXTRAORDINARY. They can help you if you think you are having heart problems or if you are lost at sea.
The sun was coming out. Though I have never met Rickilee, based on the love of her friends and family and their incredible will to help Ambergris Caye and to do this for her, I know she was smiling down on us.
For more on RRR and to donate, please check out their website.
Rickilee Honored
Triple R Remembers Rickilee
March 1, 2021
Four years after her tragic death, Rickilee Mercer was honored on Sunday, February 28th, with a short activity at Secret Beach north of San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, the place she was last seen alive. Her unfortunate death, which was ruled as an accident after falling off a jet ski, gave birth to the Rickilee Response and Rescue or Triple R, a team that responds to road and water accidents/emergencies on the island.
Rickilee’s remembrance took place at 2PM on the north end of the beach. Triple R founders Traci and Jim Curtin and members of the rescue team, and a host of friends and supporters paid tribute to Mercer and celebrated four years of the team’s hard work. They also touched on Triple R’s progress throughout these years.
The dedicated team lead by Philip ‘Billy’ Leslie, and his colleague National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) District Emergency Coordinator for Belize Rural South, Vanessa Parham, was commended. The short event also highlighted the team’s latest response to water emergencies involving an American National reported missing at sea the day before. He was rescued after missing all day, safe and sound before the sunset near the Secret Beach area.
The activity ended with a toast and the placing of flowers on the water, honouring Mercer’s life. Island resident Gary Lee paid his respects with a special item he made from sea heart beans. Those who were familiar with Mercer shared emotional testimonials about her. They said Rickilee will always be remembered in Ambergris Caye. Triple R was also officially presented with two jet skis to better equip them when responding to water emergencies.
Organizers also acknowledged the presence and support of other team members who have tirelessly supported Triple R. These included Michael S Cain, Steve Bowen, Darin Boyd, Kennard Aimee Hamilton, Kennard Tyonia Schulman, Andrew Schulman and everyone who have contributed in one way or another.
Triple R is always looking for volunteers, donations, and help in growing within the community. To keep up with the good work Triple R is doing on Ambergris Caye, you can follow them on Facebook and Instagram, or visit their website at For any emergencies, Triple R can be reached any time by calling 627-1117.
San Pedro Sun Article on RRR
Triple R Emergency Response Team to the rescue!
Thursday, May 9th, 2019
The Rickilee Response and Rescue Team (Triple R) continues to respond to emergency calls on Ambergris Caye, assisting accident victims throughout the island. The most recent cases involved a near drowning and two traffic accidents. The most severe of these accidents include a young tourist, who suffered massive head injuries and was eventually airlifted to the USA.
On Sunday, May 5th, the team from Triple R was called to the Secret Beach area, where on arrival, they observed 46-year-old Belizean construction Lisandro Gonzalez face down in the water. Triple R’s auxiliary Philip ‘Billy’ Leslie responded swiftly and transported the victim to the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II for treatment. Gonzalez’s condition was deemed critical, and Triple R began planning to transport him to Belize City for further medical assistance. While arranging his transport, the team received a second call about a traffic accident north of San Pedro Town.
Leslie rushed to the scene and observed 18-year-old American National Austin Lientz badly injured and presenting with a concussion and possible loss of consciousness. Reports are Lientz fell from a moving golf cart, causing severe head injuries. He was taken to the Polyclinic and along with Gonzalez, airlifted to Belize City, then transferred to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital by the Belize Emergency Response Team. Lientz was transferred to a private medical center where his condition was deemed critical with internal cranial pressure. With lifesaving action, he was induced into a medical coma, placed on a ventilator and on Monday, May 6th he underwent two surgeries that lasted a total of four hours. After this surgical intervention, the Triple R team coordinated flight crews from the United States and Tuesday, May 7th Lientz was transported to the Brower County Hospital in Florida, USA. According to Lientz family, he has was brought out of the induced coma, and the ventilator was removed. He is aware of his surroundings and starting to answer questions appropriately.
Meanwhile, Gonzalez is on the road to recovery. His family is now appealing to the public for assistance. Anyone able to help can call 660-0468 or 668-5048.
A third accident was registered on Tuesday, May 7th, involving a female tourist after she fell from a golf cart. She sustained head injuries and was transported to Ambergris Caye Hopes Clinic. She was treated and is on her way to recovery.
Triple R is a young non-profit, Quick Response Team that assists both island residents and visitors alike in emergencies. The group was formed in memory of American National Rickilee Mercer, who perished on the leeward coast of Ambergris Caye in March 2017. She went missing after heading out for a jet-ski adventure. She was found dead on March 1, 2017. Since the creation of Triple R, the emergency response team has become the main point of contact for road and water accidents. Triple R utilizes 15 plus volunteers and staff to complete this beach to bedside transfer with thanks to the Belizean team, Vanesa Parham, Billy Leslie, and Chris Alpuche. The organization is always looking for volunteers, donations, and help in growing within the community. Donations can be made with a credit card or PayPal via their website on www.rrr.lfe or contact Jodie Harnish at Palapa Bar & Grill.
For any emergencies, Triple R can be reached any time by calling 627-1117.
Triple R Responds
Triple R received a call on Thursday February 7th from one of our contacts on Secret Beach. We were informed of a golf cart accident with a possible head injury.
Due to the quick response by Triple R and RRR Evac, it only took 11 minutes, yes that’s right 11 minutes, for our team in the van to arrive at the scene and render help.
Those of us on the island know how incredible this is! In the past, this kind of incident would have typically been handled by a passing cart, followed by a long bumpy ride to the polyclinic.
Triple R’s brisk response with help from the community allowed the injured persons to be effectively transported using a neck brace and other equipment donated by Triple R Houston and RRR Evac.
Dr. Dan Gonzales was able to quickly assess the head injury, which in turn required more than the polyclinic visit. With the help of Dr. Dan, Triple R made the call to RRR Evac, who arranged a flight to Belize City where the patient received an MRI and proper medical care.
There are no words that adequately describe how proud we are of our team! To see this kind of response come to fruition is exciting for Triple R as well as our community. A big thank you again for all of our supporters.
Ground Hog Day Poker Run raises money for Triple R on the Island
Ground Hog Day in San Pedro was celebrated by a well attended Boat Poker Run organized by Jodie Harnish and the Palapa Bar. Guests arrived at Palapa and were greeted by Jodie and Scott Harnish. Jodie did an amazing job keeping things running smoothly and organized. The boats loaded up and headed to to get their first card in their poker hand. They arrived at PortoFino where fantastic music was playing and service was impeccable! Next stop, Rojo Lounge where they enjoyed complimentary Belizean Rum Punch and the always delicious food at Rojo. Dive Bar was next where Lia and Doug McClain welcomed the guests and as always served delicious food and cocktails to enjoy. (see Lia with RRR ground hog) The Poker Run ended at Palapa Bar where the guests received their 5th and final card and they presented their Poker hands. The winners, Gene Nunn, Robin S. and and Chris M. were the big winners and generously donated their winnings back to the cause!!! A huge thank you! Chi Chi was the perfect choice to sell raffle tickets as she is hard to say no to! As anyone would expect she did an amazing job raising money. Thank you Chi Chi! Michelle Buchanan-Kirkby won the raffle and she also generously donated back her winnings! Thank you Michelle! The island is full of huge hearts that continue to support RRR every day! The fun filled Ground Hog Day celebration was a huge success again! And, by the way, the Ground Hog predicted continuing beautiful spring weather on Ambergris Caye!
Reef Week Success!
Rickilee Response & Rescue trains with Belize Red Cross
November 2017
Our trip in November 2017 was successful. In attendance was a representative form the Belizean Coast guard, 10 dive shops, Jodie and Scott Harnish from The Palapa, Vanessa Parham of NEMO (National Emergency Management Office) our on the ground marketing person and a representative from the hyperbaric chamber who will be answering our phones 24-7.